Charity Organization Photos in Silver Spring, Maryland

JAFAI Support Foundation entertaining Persons with Special Needs who lack such opportunity. We organise Olympic games on the beach taking their families along.

The Founder and Chief Executive Officer of JAFAI Support Foundation, Haja Fatima Savage, delivering a welcome address after a long ride from Hastings to Tokeh Beach in Sierra Leone. On the table, were gift items received by PWD's, their children, and wives.

The Founder and CEO, Mr. Fatima Savage playing with the disable kids.

People of disability were some of Spectators enjoying the Olympic game after receiving holiday gift hats and other items.

Members of JAFAI posing with a disable beneficiary who happens to be a musician and his performance on stage was thrilling to say the least.

The Founder and CEO, Madam Haja Fatima Savage serving Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) delicious fried rice with chicken, beef, and fish.